Technology In Classrooms Essay

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Imagine being sick for a week and you miss all your classes or you accidentally sleep through or miss a class and your teacher only uses the whiteboard to teach without posting his notes online, due to his old-school methods and lack of knowledge when it comes the use of technology. As a student, you first thought it to go talk to the professor but what if he or she won’t help because you missed their class and you are unable to receive the proper materials you need for that week. In my opinion, that scenario sound like a worst nightmare, which is way many teachers have incorporated technology in classrooms to help students prosper and learn when it comes to an emergency. Technology has become such an important factor in life, which is why I believe that classrooms should continue to invest and require students and teachers to use technology in their classrooms. Many studies have shown the negative impacts of technology, such as lower test score and the …show more content…

Technology has become very important in our society and I think it is time for it to do the same for classrooms. Along with all problems there are two extremes to every solution and in this case, allow the full use of technology or none at all. Both extremes have some benefits but lack the difference maker that make them work. If we completely get rid of technology classrooms may have more student engagement and focus among students but will lack the the easy and efficient research and communication that technology provides. Although if all we use is technology in classrooms, students will tend to lose focus and teachers will not be needed as technology will provide all the materials and knowledge that students need to learn. One extreme will not solve the issue, due to the negative implications that come with it, instead I believe we should focus on a compromise between the

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