Essay On Importance Of Memory

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“Memory is one of those native abilities like visual spatial ability- some people have a great memory and some people have mediocre memories.” Memory functioning is mysterious, memories sum up our past, in order to understand who we are, we have to understand our past by retrieving our memories. That is why memories are so important. It is important to make distinctions between categories of memories. Memories can be stored either in long-term or in short-term memory and these can be restored and retrieved from the brain in different types of recalls, free recall, serial recall and cued recall. The human brain recalls memories as a complex mechanism like long-term memory, short-term memory and different types of recalls.
The human brain as a complex mechanism recalls memories from long-term memory; long-term memory refers to the continuing storage of information. They can last for a few days or maybe for decades. Once information arrives to the long-term storage, it does not stay there forever but it does stay for a long period of time. Long-term memory can store an unlimited amount of information, therefore a lot of information is directly stored in long-term memory, like when someone tells …show more content…

A free recall is when the person is allowed to recall things in any desired order, not necessarily in the correct order memorized earlier. The tasks to free recall are simple; a person is given a list of items to remember and then is asked to retrieve them in any desired order. For example a person is given a list of 20 items and after a short time is required to write down as many items as remembered. This type of recall shows the importance of primacy effects and recency effects because the person usually recalls memories or things that mainly occur in the beginning of the list which refers to primacy effects or things presented at the end of the list which represents the recency

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