Radio Tracer Essay

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Hydraulic properties of soil are one of the most important agents controlling infiltration, runoff rate, pesticides leaching in agricultural lands, and migration of pollutants from contaminated sites to groundwater. Therefore, there is a need for good water management practices in order to solve water-related problems such as irrigation and erosion issues.
Infiltration is the term applied to the process of water entry into the soil. This process is the movement of water into the soil from the surface by downward or gravitational flow. The rate at which it occurs is known as the infiltration rate, which continues to decrease and asymptotically approaches the saturated hydraulic conductivity. This rate of infiltration is termed …show more content…

Sharma D.C., Dubey O. P., and Chhabra S. S., (2004), worked on determination of infiltration rate in Chitaurgarh dam command area (U.P.). In this study authors used radio-active tracer method and double-ring infiltrometer method for determination of average infiltration rate. For implementing the technique, tritiated water was injected into the ground at a certain depth between root zones. The tracer as a result of subsequent rainfall or irrigation moves downward. Infiltration tests were carried out at 12 sites in the canal system of dam. The study concluded that the results of radio-active tracer technique are comparable with double-ring infiltrometer and therefore can also be used for determination of infiltration rate.

Locationdetails:- we are choosing the different location

We are choosing the different location from the soil map of manavadar taluka shade of middle south Saurashtra region (Gujarat-India) for performing the practical’s for collecting the accurate data of infiltration rate. We are choosing the location of different type of soil

[1.5] Work plan: -

o Collect thesis of infiltration &infiltration rate.

o Find the regional map of different types of soil of manavadar taluka.

o Study the map and set the perfect location and choose the villages.

o Find out the double ring infiltro meter.

o Perform the practical’s and collect the accurate reading.

o Take the soil samples for measuring moisture content.

o Read and observe the data and analyses

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