Internal Security Threats

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India is insecure internally due to the armed separatist movements and domestic ethnic strife.
Internal security challenges in India, are no more local in nature and has interstate and nation- wide ramifications. Internal security is an important aspect of National security. India is facing internal security threats from insurgency, secessionism, ethnic conflicts, and religious fundamentalism.
Kautilya says that in Arthashasthra, a state could be at risk from four types of threats- internal, external, externally aided internal and internally aided external. He warned that of these four types, internal threats should be taken care of immediately, which are far more serious than external threats. India since independence is facing …show more content…

The first democratic election of Manipur was held in August 1948 under the Manipur Constitution Act, 1947. Manipur became a part of India as a Part C state through the controversial Manipur Merger Agreement on September 21, 1949. People of Manipur felt that the annexation was forceful as the King was called for a meeting in Shillong and was secluded from others. No plebiscite or referendum took place for the annexure. This annexation resulted into armed opposition from the people of Manipur and violent armed conflict erupted. Government of India initiated a military response to control the …show more content…

On June 21, 1972.Some of the people in this region has disagreed with it. Separatist armed groups from Naga tribe’s resisted integration with India and some other people also took similar positions. The people of different ethnic identities argued that the government of India considered them as second class citizens. The grievances against the merger along with the delay in conferring statehood alienated the Manipur, and laid the foundation for the emergence of a separatist movement. Today the state is home to a large number of non-state armed groups, and is one of the most violence-affected states in the country. This is the first and foremost reasons for the

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