Redistribution Of Wealth In Islam

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Islamic wealth distribution is an important effort in order to make sure muslims community are well protected. There are variety types of instruments used in managing and planning the wealth redistribution. All the types are based on shariah rules. Redistribution of wealth management in Islamic is very nearly interconnected with aspect of economic and the muslim society. Islam is a unique and the only religion which define and prescribe on how mankind should perform their business and economic activities based on the al-Quran and sunnah also ijma’ and qiyas . Therefore, countries that has large muslim population are significant that financial planner of the properties that are belong to a muslim is provided with sufficient information on laws, …show more content…

In Arabic words infaq means spending. Spending the wealth to those who need. It also means that giving away their wealth for the change for the better society. In al-Quran and as-Sunnah infaq also can be to the fi sabilillah way. It means their infaq their property for the sake of Allah. Infaq or spending also means spending on the charitable aim. The meaning of giving for the sake of Allah for priority of Adam children as the Prophet Muhammad pbuh said that “ all creatures are belongs to Allah and the most beloved by Him are those that are most beneficial to His dependents”. There are four types of infaq which is personal, circumstantial, communal and religious. Roughly all the aim of infaq are same which to spending the wealth to the better change of circumstances of society, for the better religious and …show more content…

Hibah means passing or blowing in the Arabic terms. Hibah also can be defined as gift. Hibah also a charity like waqf because hibah also transfer property from the owner to the receiver during his lifetime. Hibah also include saddaqah and ibra’ which means releasing the wealth of the owner to the needy. In Islamic perspective, act of giving and give charity are recommend and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said “to give each other and to love each other”. It is clearly stated that hibah are the first recommend to be given to people that we love and give to the people nearer us or relatives. Hibah also was recommended to put family first then the nearest people among the neighbors. For instance, Aishah r.a the wife of the Prophet Muhammad wished to give one of her two neighbors a gift and asked for Prophet Muhammad advice then he replied "Give to the one whose door is nearer to you”. In a conclusion, it is very important to all mankind of Islam to have the inclusive knowledge about the Islamic Wealth Redistribution in order to make clear benefits of redistribution of wealth based on the shariah rules. Thus, with the knowledge muslim knows how to distribute their property or wealth to the needy people by using the system that created for Islam such as waqf, hibah, infaq and

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