Essay On Kurdish Family

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The origin of the word family is going back to the Latin word Familia meaning “servants of a household”, and its meaning alters due to various perspectives. Family is defined as “a group consisting of one or two parents, their children and close relations” according to Oxford dictionary. However, there are different standpoints about it in Kurdish culture based on the people’s educational level. Firstly, among the educated or modernized members of the community family is explicated as the source in which they gain their respect and pride. Furthermore, this class of the community is either less or not patriarchal, and all of the family members possess analogous rights without exceptions. While the majority of Kurdistan’s population has a low educational background, they illuminate the word family as several relatives in a house that is mostly led by a male, and the moral values are considered to belong to females in most of the cases. In contrast to all, I believe that family does not merely involve the blood …show more content…

However, I believe, family is the representative of the people and things that base on each other, and their values will be lost if they get separated. For instance, within the human societies two people can be called a family when one of them could not do anything without the other's help or performance. Additionally, same thing applies to the non living items or things, such as pen and paper, as the value of pen would be lost if there was no paper. I also think that family cannot be mentioned as easy as it has been used to refer to a lot of simple groups. As for me family means dependency and inspiration system even without a physical effort, meaning one simple look of your family member(s) gives you the strength to do what is called

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