Essay On Ambiguity In English Language

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Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0 Introduction This investigation distinguishes ambiguity that becomes visible in the daily newspaper language, particularly in the headline, mainly lexical ambiguity. Furthermore, lexical ambiguity emerges when the context is to discover the sense of a single word that has more than one meanings according to the dictionary. Basically, the researcher here tries to discover the amount and types of lexical ambiguity that contains in “The Star” and “New Straits Times” newspaper. Thus, the researcher choose “The Star” and “New Straits Times” because it is the daily newspapers in Malaysia as well as it is written in English language. Therefore, both these papers are influential to readers such as Malaysian readers and foreigners who are able to understand English language. According to Ramadani (2015), people speak to one and another utilizing dialect as an instrument of communication to convey what they need or need to state. In contrast, human must review whatever they say …show more content…

Thus, it means that if the words or sentence have more than at least two meaning paraphrases which are not paraphrases each other. Ullman (1977: 196) classifies ambiguity into three structural levels, which are phonetic 1or phonological, lexical, and grammatical ambiguity. Tambunan (2009), stated that ambiguity can emerge in various spoken and written language. For example, if we listen to a speaker’s utterance or read a book, we might have difficulty in understanding what the speaker or writer means. 1.6.2 Lexical Ambiguity: According to Tambunaa (2009), lexical ambiguity occurs when a solo word consists of more than one meaning. For a solo word, ambiguity generally refers to an unclear choice between different definitions as may be found in a dictionary. Ulmann (1977: 158) resolves that ambiguity arises due to lexical

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