Essay On Light Microscope

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Light microscope is an optical microscope capable of magnifying the apparent size of an object in which light is transmitted.
Three biologists they contribute major information in the history of microscopy.
Robert hook discovered the optical microscope in visualize biological specimen. Robert hook first person who discovered the word of “CELL”.
Antony von Leeuwenhoek after ten years later he discovered simple glass lens of convex surface .he observed bacteria, fungi, blood cells, plant minerals, protozoa in the microscope.
After that, in 1870 Ernst Abe developed the compound microscope .He is create microscope lens that help to create much magnified image. Ernst Abbe formulated his famous sine theory …show more content…

• Coarse And Fine Adjustment Knobs
Used for focusing.

• Light Source
Source of illumination. PARTS OF LIGHT MICROSCOPY

There are four kinds of optical microscope (light microscope).
1. Bright field microscopy.
2. Dark field microscopy.
3. Phase contrast microscopy.
4. Fluorescence microscopy.

Bright Field Microscopy
It is a most widely used microscopy.
Light is passes directly through the specimen and usually requires staining. The magnification power is 400x.Lenses is very long as compare to 100 xs, 40 xs, and 10 x. BRIGHT FIELD MICROSCOPE
Bright field microscopy formed its image when light is transmitted through the specimen.
Specimen being denser and more opaque then its surroundings. Observe some of this light; the rest of the light is transmitted directly up through the ocular into the field.
• Specimen should be examine in bright field microscopy are protozoan cell that is paramecium and amoeba. As a result specimen produces an image that is darker than its surroundings with brightly illuminated field.
• Bright field microscope is a multipurpose instrument that can be used for both liver/unstained material and preserve stain

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