Essay On Mauna

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(e.g. taciturn, reserved, reticent, secretive). Another example of the way animals communicate with each other is through silence. Humans have moved away from this form of communication with one another, yet animals still employ the absence of noise or body language to convey a clear message to others, such as "be careful." In jungles and wooded areas, multiple species of animals will communicate with each other by going silent when a large predator is near. Silence is a great example of how species not only communicate with their own members, but also each other. When predators are near, species ranging from birds to insects to reptiles understand the code of silence and take heed. Now with 12 yrs in the field of yoga, meaning of Mauna is …show more content…

Many eyebrows raised on what can be written on this topic. Some said keep the pages blank and Mauna will take place on its own. Reading about the great personalities like Mahatma Gandhiji, Vinobhabhave, Buddha etc who practiced Mauna, makes one realize how important Mauna is. Lord Mahavira, after the renunciation of the worldly life, observed silence for twelve and a half years. Sri Dakshinamurthy taught his disciples Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatsujata, Sanatkumara in Silence and this was enough to dispel their ignorance. Mahatma Gandhi used to observe silence on every Monday and did all the important work on that day. Lord Krishna too sat for 13years in Mauna. Vinobha Bhave sat in silence from Dec25,1974-Dec25, 1975. Yogi Shri Maharshi Aurbindo observed silence for seventeen years. Ramana Maharshi very often inspired those desirous of self-knowledge, to search after "Who am I?" in a state of silence. He too passed much of his time in a state of silence. The immense utility of the practice of silence is thus witnessed in the lives of all these great men which show that talks and thought- exchanges with one’s own self are based not on opening your mouth, but keeping it shut. That’s the difference and that difference is that of

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