
Memory And Cognition Research Paper

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Memory & Cognition

Sandeep Shekhar Nomula
Cognitive Psychology
Winter Semester – 2014/15

Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in order to use this information in the present. Cognition is the set of all mental abilities and processes related to knowledge such as memory, language, perception, problem solving & decision making, reasoning, abstract thinking etc. The purpose of this paper is to understand how memory and cognition works and how it can help us in performing tasks successfully in our daily life.

The scientist found that the relation between memory for a consequential and emotional event and also for memory for the circumstances by which people learned about the …show more content…

With the help of this study we can know how the memory related problems in humans can be solved. And the cases of flash memories are interesting because flash memories concern memory for the source of news about that event. Also memories for the emotional events depend on different brain mechanisms than memories for the non-emotional …show more content…

The MTL/D patients will have difficulty in remembering new items while FL patients have no problem in it. Also, the source memory was not often correlated with neuropsychological measures of MTL/D function, but it was predicted by the measures of FL function. Two reports suggest that impairing of source memory by FL is not in the case of emotional situations. Patients with FL damage asked how they learned of the death of Princess Diana. (Kapur et al, 2000). These patients appeared to have normal flashbulb memories. But these memories were inconsistent with the FL damage impairing memory of source. When the same was asked to older adults, no relation was found between flashbulb memory and FL function (Davidson and Glisky, 2002). Healthy people, MTL/D patients and FL patients were tested about the tragedy of September 11. They answered about the target event (what happened on that day) and reception event (how they learned about it). When these patients were tested after six months to check their long term retention two hypotheses were observed. One is the memory for facts about the target event are impaired in MTL/D patients but not in FL

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