My Goals In Life Research Paper

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My life goals

What do you want your future to look like? Are you planning on succeeding or do you not have a plan? I have spent a lot of time making goals for myself along with deciding what I want to do for my career. My family is very important to me and help me make decisions about my future and help me along the way. What my future looks like is really important to me and setting goals is very helpful. I have a goal in school to get a 3.5 gpa or higher. My grades also matter to me a lot and this is helpful because I hope to get into a good university. Keeping my priorities straight with my family, school, and friends can be a struggle sometimes but I work hard to keep them in order and have the best possible relationship I can with anyone who helps me along through high school. My life is full of many activities. These include competitive dance, soccer and other fun things I like to do inside and outside during the different seasons. I also spend a lot of time with my family and friends because they are all very important to me and we always have a lot of …show more content…

In order to make sure you do this setting a goal for yourself is an easy way to be sure you will accomplish that activity. For example after you are done with school you should always be sure to get your homework done, and because this is not something you always want to do setting a goal to get it done can be very helpful. Overall setting goals in your school career or life in general is very important and helpful. I myself try and set lots of small and big goals to be able to see what I have accomplished. I recommend that if your starting high school always set goals for yourself because if you achieve them you can see what you have completed and feel very successful. Never give up on how you want your future to look and always set high goals for yourself, you will be amazed at what you can

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