Essay On Natural Science

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that human was created based on the images of God and most of their views about life and creation comes from there. This perspective is the same as mine because I also have faith in God. Therefore, I think Natural Science is considered as knowledge from stories, because both of Science theory that I mentioned above have not been proven, some people believe but the others not. However, without stories or imagination, science is just like a dictionary. Basically in the past we are not so good at solving a formula, and we never know the suitable methods to solve the problems. Therefore, imagination plays an important role in here to play with the equations and imagine how it can be apply in every variation of cases. In addition to imagination, …show more content…

To explain this statement, I am going to use the story of Pitung. The story tells about a man named Pitung from Rawa Belong that have a power of invulnerable to missile where he learnt it from Haji Naipin, then he decided to help poor people by robbed the property of wealthy people and it makes rich people got angry. At last, Pitung got shot by the controller of Rawa Belong. However, many people not believe that the story of Pitung is not real and it is only a story because in their religion and faith that they have, nobody can have power to be invulnerable to missile just like what Pitung have. But some people do believe that it is a story as well as fact, because they believe that the funeral in Rawa Belong is exactly the grave of Pitung .Also in North of Jakarta where they believe that Pitung’s house is in there. Therefore, some of them believe that the story is valid due to some facts that appear. Personally, I do not believe Pitung story because back to my religion, where I do not believe in human’s power like being invulnerable, because in the bible I believe in God’s power, and every human power only comes from Him, but the power is not to being invulnerable to missile like what Pitung’s

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