Gamification In The Workplace: A Literature Review

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Nature of Gamification
Gamification is making a task in the workplace have the same psychological experiences as games generally do. Deterding (2011) said that “Gamification” is an informal umbrella term for the use of video game elements in non-gaming systems to improve user experience (UX) and user engagement. The introduction of ‘gamified’ applications to large audiences promises new additions to the existing rich and diverse research on the heuristics, design patterns and dynamics of games and game-based systems the positive UX they provide in non-gaming systems.” Gamification is used by companies to do tasks and at the same time improve and motivate the employee’s performance. Hamari () stated that, “Context of gamification refers to …show more content…

(…)According to a majority of the reviewed studies, gamification does produce positive effects and benefits. (…) Answering the question posed in title of the paper, “Does gamification work?” the literature review suggests that, indeed, gamification does work, but some caveats exist.” The majority of the reviewed studies did yield positive effects/results from gamification. The review indicates that gamification provides positive effects; however, the effects are greatly dependent on the context in which the gamification is being implemented, as well as on the users using it. Over the years that have passed, gamification became a trend and because of these, several studies were made if gamification is really an effective motivational …show more content…

Employees will leave their jobs and go to work for other employers who do a job of motivating their employees. (…) Recruiting, hiring, and training a new employee are expensive (p. 66) Moreover, new employees are not immediately productive.” Organizations who fail to motivate their employees will be a failure to be successful in the society because no company likes to see their income falling down, then they will fire the old employees and hire some new and young workers and train the new ones. As a matter of fact new employees are not immediately effective to an organization they need some extra time to adjust. And in teaching these newbies, expenses will

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