Essay Benefits Of Having A Pet

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Health Benefits of Having a Pet

When you are thinking of ways on improving your health, things like eating a balanced diet, ditching smoking, jogging and going to the gym always come to mind. While these methods are absolutely the best ways to reach your health and fitness goals, there are other ways you can do to improve your health and that is owning a pet.

Pets are not only great companions but they can provide you health benefits too if you own one. You might consider fostering a pet after you read the following health benefits.

Owning a pet lowers your risk of heart disease.
According to the American Heart Association, owning a pet can lower your risk of heart disease especially dogs. Dogs are active pets and they definitely want you to play with …show more content…

Watch your cat courageously fight with the monster bathroom tissue and see his/her triumphant face. You’ll definitely have a good laugh. Also, here is an interesting find. Laughing helps you burn a bit of your body’s fat!

Pets keep your blood pressure in check.
Remember that fight you had with your spouse? It was an intense fight that made your blood boil. But thank goodness, both of your heads cooled down when your dog or cat suddenly leaped onto your lap, then you intuitively started petting them.

Petting your dog or cat lets your body release another stress-busting chemical called oxytocin so you’re saved from lashing and bursting out. When you’re constantly angry, you’ll be at risk of having a high blood pressure. But your little furry pet just knows the right time to interrupt to keep your blood pressure in check.

Owning a pet helps lowers your risk of having a depression.
Sometimes, there are problems that you can’t share with anyone, even to your family or to your closest friend. But you need to get those feelings out somehow or else you’ll be wallowing in

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