Essay On Becoming A Petroleum Engineer

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What they do:

Petroleum engineer are engineers that find new ways to get or obtain oil and gas from deposits below the surface but in a profitable way. There are different types of petroleum engineers one is a drilling engineer that determines how the drilling is done the coast and if it’s safe to the environment and people, completions engineer deals with finish building the wells so that they can get the oil and gas, production engineers monitor the wells’ oils and gas to see if enough is being extracted and if no to try to increase the amount extracted after the drilling is done, and the last one is reservoir engineer see how much gas and oil they can get from the deposits and find they best way to get as much as possible out of them. Also they design equipment to extract oil and gas, develop plans to drill oil and gas fields and much more. So their job is very important and very critical that it’s done right.

How to become one:

To become a petroleum engineer you have to go to college and get a bachelor’s degree in mechanical or chemical engineering. It would help you become on easier if you take classes in high school like algebra, trigonometry, and calculus for your math subject and for science classes such as biology, chemistry, and …show more content…

Who wouldn’t want someone as awesome as me working for them? I’m not trying to be cocky but I am one of the best and if I work for you I will help you company out a lot. I also pretty sure I will get the job because I’m the best and the employment of Petroleum engineer’s employment percentage has increased by 15% in 2016 and probably more by now. Changes in oil price also affect the employment rate since they work in extracting oil and gas so the higher the price the higher the demand for more engineers. They are needed for drilling and other methods of extracting

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