Essay On Porn And Masturbation

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In recent time, watching porn and practice of masturbation has increase drastically in our society especially among the youth. This can be trace down to the easy access of pornographic materials in the internet through computer and mobile phones. And a lot of porn website are available for accessibility with daily updates of assorted porn videos, and the more you watch, the more you want to watch and before you know it , you are trapped to it, it becomes a habit difficult to break. Porn and masturbation are like brothers, they go hand in hand. Porn viewers are prone to masturbation. A lot of young people (mostly men ) indulge in this act without knowing the implication. They end up suffering from the ugly side effect without even knowing the root of their problem. Below , I will tell you some side affects of watching porn and masturbation and a natural way to cure yourself from them if you are already a victim . 1. Erectile dysfunction : This is the inability of a man to obtain a full erection when about to have sex with a woman. Excessive porn and …show more content…

During the flatline period you will observe that you had lose total interest in sex, there will be no early morning erection, your pen*s shrinks and becomes smaller as such that sometimes you will feel like you have no pen*s, you only remember you have a pen*s when you want to urinate. Whenever you experience this, do not panic but be happy because it 's a sign that your re-booting is working. The flatline signifies that your brain has wiped out all the sexual data you installed in it and now restoring to its original settings. The period of flatline may last up to several weeks or months depending on individuals. The flatline period ends with a sudden early morning erection ( full erection) , this signifies that your rebooting was successful and you can then go on and enjoy a normal sex life absent of erectile problem, premature ejaculation, delay ejaculation e.t.c

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