Essay On Positive And Negative Freedom

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The efforts and repercussions of the predecessors that came before us have fought for our rights as human beings. These individuals contributed to the establishment of people of color and minority groups to be able to exercise rights that never applied to them. These actions demonstrate positive and negative freedom. Positive freedom can be perceived as the ability to decide the course we want our lives to take by setting goals and achieving them. However, positive freedom does have its limitations because one is truly not free from higher authority putting constraints on these decisions. This is evident that one is no truly free when given the ability to control their lives. Negative freedom on the other hand is being free from the constraints …show more content…

And viewing the documentary, the concept of masculinity was exemplified because you had rich white people in government that were avoiding this epidemic and were silence throughout majority of this crisis because of the fear of being someone that cares for homosexuals. And as a result of not being vocal allowed for individuals to die from AIDs. Choosing injustice is basically allowing the wrongs to continue in society. However, there are those specifically men of color that are vocal and help equity prevail in a society where scientific racism justifies the white man’s actions. The fathers in Mendez v. Westminster are a prime example that deconstructs the idea of masculinity. These men were politically inclusive in fighting for their children’s right to be educated among the white students. This is justice allowing to be perceive as something less in order to justice to be born, and equal opportunities to be granted to future

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