Reflection On Project Compassion

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“Compassion: the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it” What was my CAS project? One Wednesday before school started our year was called in for a grade assembly because there was going to be a guest speaker. This speaker was Jonny, who was the group leader for the Switzerland group going to Project Compassion. He talked about what Project Compassion is, and what they did in previous years. What is Project Compassion? A group of people joining together to love and serve others in need, an opportunity to help those less fortunate, a time of bonding and friendship. Project Compassion is a yearly trip organized by Youth Compass to a location where the people live in poverty and have …show more content…

Helping the people was a great way for me to see that not everyone has everything they need, and it worked very positively as a reality shock. On this trip I learned a lot of things and I felt great working and doing something for other people who needed it most. The hard labor work was definitely worth it, as the feelings I got in return for having done something for these people were immensely greater than the trouble of helping them. What learning outcomes did I complete? Undertaking new challenges: This was definitely a new experience for me, because I have never done such a big project. I haven’t ever done such kind of construction and labor work to help others before and I’m glad I decided to do it. In the process of trying this new thing I also learned new ways of doing it, such as how to use the tools most efficiently. Working collaboratively with others: This was definitely a teamwork kind of project. Every time we went to one of the sites to work, we went with our work group, which consisted of about 8 people and a leader. Every task we had we worked together to complete it as efficiently as possible. Engaged with issues of global importance: The poverty of gypsies, including those we worked with of course, is a global issue. They are a population that needs help, and our work helped them get

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