Essay On Technology Advancement

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The role of Generation X and Y in Technology Advancement. 1. Introduction Generation X or (Gen X) is a group of peoples which their birth years, ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s and ending birth years ranging from the late 1970s to early 1980s. Meanwhile Gen Y is the those born in the mid of 80s until the new millennium, while Gen Z born after new millennium until now. As a Generation X, I have been through for almost fifty years of experiences in various types of technology advancement; from basic personal computer(PC) to latest laptop, from wired telephone to state of the art hand phone, from black and white to latest 3D LED television and many more developments in the field of communication, engineering. electrical, medical, biotech and others. It is normal for Generation Y and Z to use all of these latest technologies. Nowadays, Generation Z is more advanced; Before the arrival of the new millennium, I cannot imagine that three years old, children know how to use various type of gadgets, but now it has become normal. So, are we as an earlier generation ready to adapt it? 2. Communication. If we try to make a comparison, from the 1960s until now, communication technology has been …show more content…

Medical facilities were only available in the urban area, usually took hours if travel by motorcycles or days by bicycles. Almost all peoples in the village used shaman service to help them if somebody got ill. Shaman always used either traditional herbs or special spells or sometimes both when try to heal their patients. Malay communities sometimes refer to their Islamic priest for help. Chinese and Indian got their special traditional medical practices used herbs imported from China and India. So where are we now? Are we as a Gen X still used this type of service like

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