Scarcity Of Resources

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When we started learning economics, the first thing that we had learnt was the resources are limited and human desire is unlimited. From that, supplies and demands make market and they will decide the price. Due to the scarcity of resources, it is always difficult to satisfy people’s needs. So it is essential to allocate the material and consider what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. People pursue to achieve maximum satisfaction within this limited resource at low costs, so when they are making decision, they tend to decide whatever satisfy their self-interest. However, in Islam, there is a big question regarding scarcity of resources. According to Islamic worldview and rules of the Shariah, resources are not limited. There …show more content…

People do something ethically wrong because they believe it is necessary for them to take the limited resources to achieve their own interest. The scarcity of resources could be a starting point of explaining the ethical issues in contemporary society and we could easily find the example around the world. One of the examples is unethical behavior in food industry. These day many people believe that food is limited resource due to the explosive growth in human population. So the food providers think that they are struggling with maximizing their profit from limited food resources. In 2008, around 300,000 babies in China were diagnosed with kidney stones and 6 infants died due to the milk scandal. Once of the dairy product providers adulterate a toxic chemical mixture called melamin which is related with plastic inside the formula milk. Melamin contains more than 70% of nitrogen and if it is added on the food, the figure of protein content in the food is increased by the protein level test method. It is prohibited by WHO to use melamin as food ingredient because there is high possibility to cause kidney stones and renal failure in human body. The provider diluted the milk with water and added melamin in purpose to make their protein level stay so that they could produce more diary product although they knew it is not …show more content…

In modern society, oil is the most important resource to produce energy and its by-products. Iraq has the largest oil reserves in the world and it was a major interest for Anglo-American oil conglomerates to control the reserves to make huge gain for them. Officially presented rationale of war was to secure the international peace from developing the weapons of mass destruction which could support terrorists and release people from abuse of human rights but, even after the war, nobody could find any evidence of weapon program. Around 640,000 casualties occurred during the war in Iraq and they are still struggling to for restoration. Before the war, Iraq National Oil Company which is state owned was handling the oil industry to enrich their national wealth however post war, they had to open the industry to international oil investors and the benefit is no more for the

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