Essay On Second Language Acquisition

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Second language also known as foreign language, a platform of language that has been used by two or more people who not shared the same native language for them to be able communicate with each other. There are two processes of learning a second language which is second language learning and second learning acquisition. Second language learning is a formal learning that have been taught at specific study places such as school, college and university. This process focuses more on students. For second language acquisition or shorten is SLA, an informal learning that used by the learners to gain or develop the way of learning a language. Usually, this process is the simple way to understand a foreign language because the learning is more fun such as speaking with the foreigner or watching a foreign movie. Based on my opinion, acquisition is the best way to learn a second language because it is more interesting rather than formal learning, it is also can improve first language and communication skills and the learners can learn and experience a new culture. The first benefits of using acquisition to learn a second language it is because acquire more interesting rather than formal learning. Using acquire process to learn a language refers to the process of natural assimilation, involving intuition and …show more content…

But, acquisition is the best way to learn a second language because it is more entertaining compare to formal learning and it is also can improve the learner first language ability and communication skills. Acquisition also will make the learners obtain the knowledge and increase experience a new culture. Nelson Mandela once said “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, it goes to his heart”. That is mean acquisition process is more advantages rather than learning process when learn a second

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