Essay On Self Transcendence Theory

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The Theory of Self-Transcendence: History of Theory The theory of self-transcendence is a middle range theory which was developed by Pamela Reed (Cramer, 2013; Smith & Liehr, 2008). The original purpose of the theory was to enhance knowledge about what contributes to well-being in later adulthood, but now the instrument and a theory for those interested are used in individuals across the lifespan, and all health/illness experiences, to include adolescents and young adults (Ellermann & Reed, 2001). The theory is applicable to many contexts of healthcare, from well to dying patients, and from understanding what promotes well-being in patients to the study of nurses and other care providers who work with ill individuals (Fresson et al., 2017). Self-transcendence theory establishes a framework for healthcare providers through the promotion of well-being during life-altering events (Reed, 2008). This facilitates the general public 's acceptance of grieving and loss while enhancing the individual 's self-awareness, resulting creating a positive outcome from a negative situation (Bohner, 2017; McCarthy & Bockweg, 2012). …show more content…

Importantly, purposes and major concepts of self-transcendence theory are considered to be a characteristic of developmental maturity whereby there is an expansion of self-boundaries and orientation toward broadened life perspectives and purposes (Reed, 1991). Self-transcendence theory conveys the individual beyond the immediate or constricted view of self and the world (Reed, 1996). Reed (2008) described self-transcendence as an inherent process that was a gradual, non-linear expansion of conceptual boundaries, i.e., one’s personal limits or internal rules and expectations of oneself, others, and the

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