Essay On Student Alienation

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Inside the academic environment, those negative effect from claiming secondary correspondence fear need also been secured (cf. McCroskey, 1976; McCroskey, 1977; McCroskey What 's more Andersen, 1976). Learners with helter skelter correspondence apprehension, as contrasted with the individuals with low correspondence apprehension, need been found to need more level Generally speaking school grade-point averages (McCroskey What 's more anders celsius. 1976), to proof more level accomplishment around institutionalized tests administered at those fruition about high roller (Bashore, 1971; McCroskey Also Andersen, 1976), to get bring down marks to little classes Previously, lesser secondary school (Hurt, Preiss, What 's more Davis, 1976) Also …show more content…

In contrast to the complex and sometimes controversial causes of student alienation, the consequences of academic disconnection are straightforward. Withdrawing from post-secondary study prior to program completion has been attributed to student alienation (Cadieux, 2002; Muse, 2003). Slater (2003) identified aggression, manifest in a variety of forms, as a consequence of student alienation. A range of psychological and emotional problems characterize students who are alienated from the learning process and estranged from the instructional environment (Redden, 2002).
According to Brown and her colleagues (2003), the consequences of student alienation are gang activity, violence, vandalism, absenteeism, truancy, and other forms of deviant behavior. Alienated students experience an inability to cope with unfulfilled social and learning expectations. Mann (2001) interpreted alienation as a strategy of self-preservation. By refusing to engage in the processes of learning and by abandoning personal attempts to connect with curricula and with others, the sense of self is not threatened, safety is maintained and unity is preserved. The consequences to the learner, unfortunately, are absence of vitality and abandonment of the desire

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