Essay On Subordinate Law

1471 Words6 Pages


We as human beings have devised subordinate laws on the basis of basic laws. Subordinate laws are those laws, which are not applicable universally and go on changing from subject to subject and are applied subjectively. These laws have been standardized and derived from particular field or subject. The Human Race has derived certain laws in different fields and subjects on the basis of basic laws a few examples of which are:
Law relating to different fields of education in respect of Visible Universe, Galaxies, Milky Way (Our own galaxy), Our Solar system, Earth, Human Beings, Cell, Atom, Tiniest particle
• Law relating to Medical, Engineering, Commerce, Law etc
• Laws relating to measurement (Length, Weight, volume, Temperature etc)
• Laws relating to directions-North, East, West, South.
• Laws relating to relatively comparing, standardizing and identifying physical objects, Attributes etc in the form of Dictionary
• Laws relating to our conduct in the form of Written Laws, Codes, Ethics etc.
• Laws relating to Geographical area, civilization, country, Religion, customs, rituals, social etc.
Under each field of study subordinate laws are framed and standarized. All the subordinate laws are subject specific as in every field of study subordinate laws are framed. …show more content…

We have defined our code of conducts for different purposes based on our rituals, customs, religion and on other basic factors defined for enacting such laws. These laws have been framed by us to be followed by the whole society living in that area. The earth is geographically divided into different countries. Different countries have made their own laws based on their own customs way of living etc. These code of conducts and laws have been framed by us in the back drop of human beings being social animals for regulating their own society for peaceful

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