Essay On Syntactic Errors

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KEY WORDS: Syntactic Errors, English As Second Language, Significance Of Learners’ Errors.

INTRODUCTION Arabs English-language learners, or ELLs are seen as students who are unable to communicate accurately or learn effectively in English. They are considered as those who often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds, and who typically require specialized or modified instruction in both the English language and in their academic courses. Educators use a number of terms when referring to English-language learners, including English learners (or ELs), limited English proficient (LEP) students, non-native English speakers, language-minority students, and either bilingual students or emerging bilingual students. The proliferation of terms, some of which may be used synonymously and some of which may not, can create confusion. When investigating or reporting on English-language learners, it is important to determine precisely how the term, or a related term, is being defined in a specific educational context. In some cases, for example, the terms are used in a general sense, while in others they may be used in an official or technical sense to describe students with specific linguistic needs who receive specialized educational services.
English as …show more content…

After a systematic exposure of learners to a body of knowledge in English. The teacher, definitely will want to know the learning outcome of students. He does this by exposing learners to a corresponding body of tests. Language tests help to elicit from language learners the extent to which the taught skills have been mastered. Language testing is, therefore, the systematic process of getting information from learners regarding their levels of acquisition of certain skills (Alderson, 1981; Carroll,

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