Temple Construction Essay

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Temples were constructed for the purpose of religious, spiritual activities, worship and sacrifice. Temples are place for gods dwelling.
The first hindu temples were built during the Gupta period. They were rock cut shrines with rich carving. They were constructed using sandstone, granite and brick. They were square in form. They had square plan with garbha griha in the centre. These temples normally had a short columned porch.

5 aspects of universe are taken into consideration during the temple construction. The aspects are Sky - Brahmand Fire - Agni Air - Vayu Earth - Prithvi Water - Varuna

The temple shrine must be constructed east facing, that is with the entrance facing the east. east direction is said to be sacred according to vastu. The sun rises from the east.
Depending upon the deity the direction of facing of deity is decided. Most deities have east entrance with north being another choice. South is not preferred by any god or godess. …show more content…

This square is called vastu pursha mandala, which represents a form of cosmic being, upon which the temple is built. This mandala is not plan, but it represents and energy field. Here Purusha means a person (Bhuta who was seized to the ground). Vastu purusha mandala is divided into 32 smaller squares which is a multiple of 8. The center square of mandala is the station of Brahma (the creator). Surrounding the center square are 12 other square of sons of Aditi (affairs of universal management). The empty spaces represent pure space. This mandala is placed on the building site on which the temple is constructed. The ground plan consists of square, rectangle and pentagon as fundamental patterns. The vertical alignment consists of pyramid, circle and the curve. The vastu purusha mandala is topped by a vimana in south india and shikara in north

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