Essay On The Human Body

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features of the human body human body is made up of biological systems. That create the composite structure of a human being.

Circulatory system
The system has three sub-systems, heart, lungs and arteries/veins, portal vessels system. To convey oxygen, carbon dioxide, blood, growth body hormones and nutrients around the body.

Aorta largest artey in the body, It takes blood away from the heart to the organs, via the hearts muscular pumping chamber in the left ventricle. This pumps blood into the aorta through the aortic valve. heart consists of four chambers and can be found just behind the breastbone. It is a muscular organ that is at the head of the cardiovascular system. It's main function is to make sure blood gets to the right part of the body depending …show more content…

The respiratory system systems primary functions is to inhale oxygen into the lungs, exhale carbon dioxide out. nasal cavity main route for oxygen to enter the body. More effective than the mouth which has no protection and does not warm the air. The nose is made of bone cartlidge with a mucus membrane and nostril hairs to filter out any foreign particles like dust.
pharynk sits in the back region of the nasal cavity, The pharynk muscles contain four layers the external, superior, middle and the inferior constrictor muscles. The main function of the pharynk is to determine whether food or air are passing through.
larynx houses the voice box and determines the pitch or volume omitted. It joins the pharynk to the trachea and houses ur thyroid. It is joined to the pharynk by the laryngeal inlet.
The trachea
The function of the trachea is it aids respiration. By allowing air to pass to and from the lungs.
It is a hollow, wide tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi of the lungs. These are all in the upper respiratory tract, susceptible to illnesses like colds, flu, and

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