Essay On Thermography

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Condition monitoring by Thermography
Thermography is a techniques which is used to monitor both the temperature and the temperature pattern of equipment an a substance in operation. This information, together with data on the physical construction of the component and the thermodynamic state of the equipment is used to evaluate the degree of deterioration of an item of process plant. There are some applications of thermography to different industries are described as follows:
⦁ Infrared thermography (IRT)
⦁ thermal imaging
⦁ and thermal video these are examples of infrared imagine science,thermographic cameras usually to detect radiation in the long infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum and images of that radiation in produced, …show more content…

The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature, therefore thermography allows one to see variations in temperature pattern. When it is observed by using thermography equipments like thermal imaging camera, warm objects can be detected easily against cooler environment. Humans and other worm blooded animals and other living beings become visible easily against the environment, day or thermography is largely useful for military and other users of surveillance cameras etc. Thermogram of a cat
The above figure shows the effect of infrared radiations produced by the Cat. physiological changes in living being and other warm-blooded animals can also be monitored with thermal imaging during clinical diagnostics. Thermography is also used in allergy detection in living beings and veterinary medicine. It is also used for breast screening, though primarily by alternative practitioners as it is considerably less accurate and specific than competing techniques. Thermal imaging camera and screen. Thermal imaging can detect elevated body

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