Ex-Situ: Endangered Species Conservation Report

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As recorded by many researchers there is nowhere on earth is habitat destruction as looming as in tropical forests (e.g Theilade, 2003). Thousands of tree species depend on conservation outside protected areas than their natural habitats as in managed forests, agricultural landscapes, or ex-situ in botanical gardens, arboreta, seed banks or gene field banks (Theilade, 2003). The protection and maintenance of viable and self-sustainable populations of wild plant species in their natural state represents the ultimate goal of conservation, but human activities leading to habitat destruction is realistic and endangered species need to be preserved before extinction become their faith. In concise words, ex-situ method of conservation, which literally …show more content…

Ex-situ is therefore complementary to in-situ conservation method and can act as an "assurance policy" when species life are threatened in their natural habitats. The purpose of ex-situ conservation method of any stand(s) is to keep genetic resources in a secure area for future utilization. The ex-situ conservation method provides the opportunity to study the biology of and to understand the threats to endangered plant species, in order to eventually consider successful species recovery programs, which would be eventually, involve restoration and reintroduction of the species back to their habitat(s) (Borokini, 2013). It also has the advantage of preserving plant material and making it available for research and development purposes, without damaging the natural populations. Moreover, other purposes of ex-situ conservation method include rescuing threatened germplasm, to produce material for conservation biology researches, to bulk up germplasm for storage in various forms of ex-situ facilities, to supply material for various purposes, to remove and/or reduce pressure on wild resources as well as growing species with recalcitrant seeds that cannot be maintained in a seed store faclity, to make available material for …show more content…

It is aimed at two major objectives: for resource use and for environmental management (i.e climate change mitigation). It is also important to determine how much fuelwood or timber available for use. Thus, one needs to know how much biomass is available at a given time to quantify resources at disposal. In environmental management, biomass quantification is important to assess the productivity and sustainability of the forest as carbon sink. Biomass is also an important indicator of carbon sequestration. For this purpose, one needs to

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