Village Governance Essay

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Chapter 1: Introduction As emerging economies are striving for successful developments, it is crucial to be aware of the contribution of every stakeholder in developments. From the private sector to the public sector and for Samoa in particular, village governance is one major aspect to be considered for successful development. The concept of village governance has proven as a valuable analytical tool to move beyond public and private sectors that have tested and tried government decisions on developments. Every Government all over the world spends millions and millions of dollars in their efforts to initiate and provide developments to improve lives of people. However, there are always challenges to these development programs including poor policies, corruption, poor monitoring and also the lack of community participation or village governance contribution. Aside from corruption, poor policies and poor monitoring in governments and their systems of …show more content…

The relationship ideal between village governance in Samoa and development stemmed from the belief that it’s governing and operating system is strictly based on its unique culture. The village is therefore known as a powerful independent governing unit that greatly influenced the national government effort in pushing and conducting development in several ways. Also, most of the developments by the government are operated on resources owned by villages like lands and energy sources of rivers, lakes and streams therefore; the study intends to empower this bond between the village governance and national government into more agreeable situation in order for development to make way. It is with a view, that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is needed for these controversial parties in order for a bridge to be built for the sake of development, and for Samoa to

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