Essay On Waterborne Diseases

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Section 1: Literature study
The outbreak of waterborne diseases is a major problem faced in many African countries. The safety of water can be affected by a change in pH, a high concentration of ions like nitrates, bacteria and the effects of human activities.
• In which pH range should rivers and dams be to sustain healthy living? Which human or natural factors cause a change in pH levels?
The pH of a substance is determined by a scale which range between 0 and 14 with 7 being neutral. Rain water is known to have an acidic pH of 5.6. This is due to the Carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. Researchers believe that a pH range between 6.5 and 9 is most sufficient to sustain healthy aquatic environments and healthy living. The pH range of a waterbody may change because of natural or human factors. Some examples of these factors are precipitation like acid rain, wastewater and mining waste. The concentration of Carbon dioxide can also change the pH of …show more content…

How can water be purified?
The bacteria known as Vibrio cholorae causes cholera. This bacterium is normally contracted through water contaminated by human faeces. To prevent contracting cholera, safety precautions regarding the intake of water should be considered. Water used for drinking and cooking should be purified if the consumer is unsure its safety.
There are various techniques used to purify water. Boiling water is an easy way to purify water. Water should be boiled for approximately 10 minutes to kill any harmful bacteria in the water and make it safe to use. Another well-known way to purify water is using chlorine or bleach. A few drops of chlorine or bleach should be added to 3-4 litres of water and be left to stand. This will kill harmful bacteria.

• What will the long-time effects be on the earth and organisms if we do not protect our natural water sources? Give ideas how natural water sources can be protected in a sustainable and economically viable

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