Cherry Tree Pruning Research Paper

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Meta: Pruning a weeping cherry tree takes more care than what you initially thought. Learn these 5 pruning tricks and 5 mistakes on how to trim a weeping cherry tree now!

How to Trim a Weeping Cherry Tree
5 Pruning Tips and Mistakes that You Should Know

Spring is undeniably most people’s favorite season. What’s not to love about spring, anyway? The mild, fine weather is just a bonus; it is the luscious green fields and magnificent flowers that make this season unique and beautiful. Among the favorite and well-loved trees during spring is none other than the flowering cherry tree.

A massive cherry tree with pink flowers The flowering cherry tree is usually used for ornamental …show more content…

Isn’t it the perfect time to prune too? Some people say winter can be a good time for pruning, but I still suggest not to prune during this season. This is because the fungus that causes silver leaf disease produces more during late fall to winter.

Most trees hibernate in winter as they prepare to fully bloom in spring 2. No Flowers and Open Leaves
No flowers nor open leaves should be on the tree when you prune, and late summer or early fall is the perfect season wherein flowers and leaves have already dried out and are about to fall. Remember, avoid pruning a weeping cherry tree when there is a sign of growth such as in spring. This is because trimming the tree while there are flowers and open leaves can hamper the tree’s growth.
3. Keep your Pruning Shears Sharp
One of the reasons why you mess up when trimming a tree is due to blunt shears. Blunt shears do not only result in poorly cut twigs and branches, but it can also cause damage to the tree. Always make sure that the shear you use is sharp enough to cut thick twigs and branches. How to trim a weeping cherry tree effectively sometimes relies on the sharpness of your pruning shears.

Pruning shears should be sharpened and cleaned before using …show more content…

Remove the Upward Branches Too!
One would have thought that pruning a weeping cherry tree only focuses on cutting branches that grow towards the ground. However, what you probably don’t know is that upward and lopsided branches have to be cut as well. Doing this will help you maintain the weeping appearance of your cherry tree.
5. Monitors Grafted Tree
Grafting cherry trees is a practice used by some gardeners. This process refers to the operation wherein a branch from a cherry tree is grafted on the branch of another tree. The common purpose of this process is to produce a cherry tree with different colors. Wouldn’t it awesome to have a colorful cherry tree in your garden? Well, it is indeed a fantastic view, only most grafted branch grow upward, which might cause the branches to rub against each other. Eventually, the natural, appealing appearance of your weeping cherry tree is distorted. Thus, always check the grafted branches and monitors their growth.

Beautiful home with a cherry tree at the entrance

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