Assemblage In Wetlands

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Proposed Research Work

To assess birds and macro invertebrate assemblage in the coastal wetlands of Gulf of Kachchh to develop correlation model for rapid monitoring of wetlands

Background information:
Based on discoveries of our satellites, it appears that water is a unique substance in our discovered universe. Wetlands are areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas (Cowardin, 1979).
Wetlands are extremely important throughout the world for several reasons such …show more content…

 Check list of birds along with their feeding guilds, habits, habitat, residential status and conservation status as per IUCN (2013) will be prepared for further analysis.
 The IMBCI (Integrity of Marsh Bird Community Index) will be worked out as suggested by (Patel and Dharaiya, 2007) and IMBCI score will be given to each of the wetlands studied.
 MMI (Macro fauna Monitoring Index) will also be computed for each wetland.
 Along with IMBCI, MMI, species richness and other community characteristics will also be studied in each wetland to work out correlation among bird abundance and other hydrological parameters.
 Above parameters and findings will be subsequently employed to identify the key indicator species for different coastal wetland ecosystems as described by Hoyer et al., (1994) and Chase et al., (2000).
 Statistical correlation and monitoring model will be represented by software, SPSS®.
 Using the findings the conservation strategies will be figured out to prepare a wetland management plan for future monitoring and conservation of coastal wetlands.
Time …show more content…

• Along with this, baseline information of current ecological status of coastal wetlands with respect to pollutants and pollution tolerant species can also be generated.
• A model, metrics and index developed during the study can be applied in rapid assessment and monitoring of coastal

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