Summary of the Incident Only eleven days into his new job as a New Jersey State Police trooper, Justin Hopson witnessed an act by his training officer that would challenge his moral convictions and change his life forever. During a traffic stop in March 2002, Hopson watched his partner arrest a woman for drunk driving who had not even been behind the wheel. Throughout the court proceedings in this case, Hopson chose not to violate his principles, and refused to validate his partner’s version of events surrounding the arrest. From that point forward, Hopson was targeted by fellow officers in an effort to silence him about this event, and other alleged police misconduct.
Police organizations have been evolving over the years, but still there are so many things that have to be address in order to create a better law enforcement institutions. Police misconduct and police brutality have been the center of many confrontations between police officer and society. It is imperative that police organizations change the police subculture that exist among them that protects any wrongdoing from being disclose in order to promote a more efficient service to society. In the process of doing this assignment I learned how cohesive is the relationship between officers that most of the times protect them when they are acting in a misbehave way. It is really impressive to see how one officer was seen as a traitor in the organization because he decided to report police brutality.
Officer Tommy Hansen started off as an average officer who had gotten fed up with his partner, leading to his first ethical dilemma, when he let his partner, Officer John Ryan, pull over a husband and wife in a car and then let Officer Ryan grope the wife in front her husband. Officer Hansen had expressed his distaste in the situation, vocally, but he did not bother to stop Officer Ryan at all, he stayed in the car and watched the entire scenario fall apart. Officer Hansen had also turned away from the situation and tried to look away, as if Hansen was trying to ignore that Ryan was doing anything wrong in the first place. Another dilemma Hansen faced, is when he had chased down the vehicle the husband was in and when the husband was exerting his anger in a manner where the police might have shot him, if he did the wrong move with his hands. Hansen had realized he was the husband of the wife, who his ex-partner had groped earlier, and talked the husband down to a calm manner.
Sandy Banks is bothered by the injustice of police officers towards possible innocent victims. Because it seems like if officers rely on shooting at people as their safest option, Banks demands better training to help solve this issue. Police officers being caught on camera doesn 't changes the fact that the victim will become wounded, or pass away, yet, in most cases officers are not held accountable for the insensible act. In her article, "Horrific videos aren 't solving police shootings, but better training might" Banks asks for better training for police officers, as she developed strong pathos with details, great logos with logical solutions and consequences, but a weak ethos by not mentioning her credentials and the other side of the story.
The New York City Police Department located in New York, New York. The acronym that is associated with the police department is N.Y.P.D. The Code of Ethics the N.Y.P.D has laid out for upcoming and current police officers is easy to comprehend and to be never forgotten. The sole purpose of the city police department is to prioritize the meaning of life while enforcing the laws set forth for people to follow. That is their mission summed up.
Lastly, the criminal justice process or the legal consequences that the criminals face are right but not necessarily fair because occasionally the process supports corruption. In other words, the criminals and drugs dealers in the movie do not face the right legal consequences because the criminal justice process including the judges is corrupt. His life experiences with drug dealers, the drugs, and crime in the streets and the corrupt legal system contribute to Harris’
In the Rio Grande Valley, public corruption runs rampant. The border city of Mission is a hot spot for drug traffickers and has become an area of concern for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program, also known as HIDTA, since the 1990s. Every day drug runners, private drug dealers, and the continuous flow of illegal immigrants create an atmosphere of temptation for law enforcement agents. Unfortunately, the small town of Mission has witnessed federal, state, and local law enforcement officers drift toward the dark side, letting temptation cast a shadow over their morals and beliefs.
Police corruption has been the largest ongoing problem in the United States criminal justice system. In the documentary, “The Seven Five” directed by Tiller Russell, he sheds light onto the story of former NYPD officer Michael Dowd and how he and his prescient were involved in committing numerous crimes, including running their own cocaine ring while on the job in the 1980’s, early 90’s. Per the Criminal Law- Lawyer Source, police corruption is defined as “the abuse of police authority for personal gain or to gain advantage for the police organization. Police corruption can take the form of a variety of criminal activities ranging from actual commission of serious criminal (i.e. drug trafficking and money laundering) to the instances where
Working in the field of law enforcement and being ethically sound is important. It is important within our professional career that we are able to maintain a standard that doesn’t cross any ethical lines. Even in our academic we have to hold ourselves to an ethical standard, because we are trusted to do what is right. If we violate the academic integrity it put a mark on our ability to be trusted. Just as Dr. Steven Davis stated if someone is will to cheap to get ahead how can they be trusted
Assignment #1 Review questions Chap. 1 p. 26: 1. A single standard of ethics cannot be applied to all criminal justice agencies. The world is too complex to legislate morality and ethics. The cultures that make up each part of the world are not the same.
Ethics and the Evolution of Police Policing in this present day is defined as an individual or group of individual who prevent and detect crime within a community. Policing compares in many ways. They all attempt to provide services, keep the peace and reduce crime. Policing has evolved into something much more than what it used to be. Within this essay are the many different perspectives and how ethics were learned.
In the discussion of moral objectivism and moral relativism, it is important to understand the difference, and the impact that a moral system has on the criminal justice community. The community exists to enforce the laws. Moral judgments are made with votes, and the decisions on how laws are crafted are made by elected officials. For this reason, it makes sense for the criminal justice community to separate themselves professionally from their own moral views. Moral Relativism is the view of morality, much like beauty, is relative to the person, culture, or organization.
Many police agencies today have established a code of ethics, or codes of conduct, and it easy to find parallels between Peel’s principles and present policies and
1. Integrity/ Honesty – Does your chosen candidate have a track record of being an honest person? Dishonest leaders had been voted into office before with great costs to the citizenry. Money stolen by a mendacious official is money earmarked for public infrastructures and services the citizens will never receive. A corrupt pilferer of government coffers should not receive any vote.
‘’Most officers enter law enforcement with minimal experience in the field or in handling the moral dilemmas that officers typically encounter. They learn how to perform their jobs, as well as recognize the organizational norms, values, and culture, from their peers and supervisors. While supervisors provide direct, formal reinforcement, officers’ peers offer friendship and informal rewards that, in many cases, hold greater influence than official recognition from the agency’’ (Fitch, 2011). Officers who come across situations where they are unsure what is morally and ethically best to do often turn to their peers for assurance and guidance. Good ethical behavior can easily be influenced by officers and those in law enforcement.