Metonymical Terms

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1.3 Research Objectives
The research objectives of the present study are:
1. To identify metaphorical and metonymical terms relating to ethnicity in Kenya’s discourse of ethnicity and national integration.
2. To describe the nature of metaphorical and metonymical terms relating to ethnicity in Kenya.
3. To establish the influence and practical implications of metaphorical and metonymical terms relating to ethnicity on national integration and cohesion.

1.4 Research Questions
The research questions are:
1. What are the metaphorical and metonymical terms relating to ethnicity in Kenya’s discourse of ethnicity and national integration?
2. What is the nature of the metaphorical and metonymical terms relating to ethnicity in Kenya?
3. What are the influences and practical implications of the metaphorical and metonymical terms relating to ethnicity on national integration and cohesion?

1.5 Research assumptions
The current research assumes that:
1. There are metaphorical and metonymical terms …show more content…

There is little academic research in the field of cognitive semantics, particularly with regards to metaphorical and metonymical terms hidden in the indigenous local languages and their connotations. It is hoped that this study will provide an insight into the existing information gap on ethnicity in Kenya and ways of bringing about cohesion and unity in a country polarized along ethnic lines.

Secondly, language learning is seen by linguists as learning the use of language and meanings associated with words within that language. Since word meaning is determined by word choice, a study on metaphorical and metonymical terms is, therefore, important in broadening one’s knowledge about language use and the conception of ethnicity in

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