Example Of Social Entrepreneurship

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Photo Essay – Social Entrepreneurship
An ageing population can influence economic, political and social advantages as well as disadvantages in vast developing of world’s population. There will be higher numbers of elderly population, lower fertility rate, longer life expectancies, and fewer numbers of working-age people than dependent people. Though it raises some challenges, but they are not all bad. It also brings opportunities, because people have longer, healthier lives, resulting in extended working years. The key to an ageing is adapting to the challenges that a country could face. One economic disadvantages are about working. An Ageing population has a direct impact on the labour market, since improvements in life expectancy could result in many remaining in work longer. Adapted from Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) Old-Age support Ratio

Evidently enough causes huge problem as the younger generations required to work harder and longer to keep the economic growth. Even having foreign workers doesn’t contribute adequate enough. Singaporeans claims to have declining population but rather I see potential in exploit on golden-ager.

Have you notice pioneers happy of their work? Do you think the jobs given to them is fair and is this how we should address? Imagine in another 30 years’ time when we are being in the golden-ager do you think you will be fit for the workforce?

My Approach
My idea isn’t to encourage pioneers to be in workforce till retirement but

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