
Examples Of Bullies In Beowulf

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Monsters...Monsters Everywhere While an epic hero is the center of an epic poem, people of today are the center of their story thus dealing with different forms of physical monsters such as bullies, dangerous situations, and themselves. People of today face bullies. Bullies shape the person whom they bully. These bullies help the bullied become thick-skinned and teach them to stand up for themselves later in life. The people who do not move passed the bullies are the weaker ones in society and become outcasts. People who do confront their bullies are courageous and without any courage Beowulf’s fight against Grendel, Grendel’s mom, or the dragon, would be peanut butter without jelly, useless. This quote demonstrates Beowulf’s piece of mind when needing courage. “Inspired again by the thought of glory, …show more content…

These situations include, but are not limited to: Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. The dangerous situations that people of today face a range in variation, but include the men and women that are serving in our military and peer pressure, whether it be drug or alcohol related. The men and women that are serving in our infantry in the military go face to face with danger and need courage as well as a sense of duty to get their job done. This can be paralleled in Beowulf when the author says “Often, for undaunted courage, fate spares the man it has not already marked" (572-573). This quote shows that anyone with courage is spared by fate. Another dangerous situation is that of peer pressure. Teens often find themselves being pressured by their friends to engage in activities that can be harmful. Although in Beowulf no one pressures Beowulf into doing something dangerous, this occurs to teens in the modern world and can be put into a category of dangerous situations. In order to overcome these dangerous situations, one needs courage and a will to get things done and without these traits Beowulf would not be

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