Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In Elie Wiesel's memoir Night the idea of dehumanization is presented in the way the jews are treated. They are abused by the Nazi's multiple ways to tourture them. Dehumanization means to be stripped of your rights as a human. These cruel and evil events started with taking everything unique about you. Your clothes, hair, name, and family. Leaving all the jewish people to look the same. They were left with barely any food and hard working jobs. Some who weren't old enough or too weak would be killed on the spot. But most importanly day in and day out they were beaten and hanged if they acked out of place. The Nazis were sucessful in taking everything away from people, to leave them with nothing turning them into wild animals. The very moment Elie and his family entered the concentration camp the Nazi put them through slection. Where you were asked simple questions to decide if you go left or right. Those lucky enough to get to go left survived but if not were sent to death. After the slection process your head was shaved, forced to strip to nothing, and tattooed a number which would be your …show more content…

Elie was beaten countless times by other people. No one was safe from the anger and hatred that fueled the Nazis. But what stood out to everyone in the camp was the tragic death of the young boy who was hanged. His death lasted longer and the horror the others had to witness as they walked away. Nothing could be done, this moment is where Elie no longer believes his religion. Some claming god is hanged infont of them. "But the third rope was still moving: the child, too ight, was still breathing… And so he remained for more than hslf sn hour, lingering between life and death, writhing before our eyes'' (Wiesel 65). There was no mercy shown for more than thirty minutes as a young boy was trying to breathe while being hanged. What could Elie do, What could anyone do. This image was embedded into Elie's mind, where god