Examples Of Discrimination In Frankenstein

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Discrimination is a prevalent theme that is portrayed throughout the movie by the members of the community toward the monster. It is defined in Oxford’s Bibliography as; “an action or practice that excludes, disadvantages, or merely differentiates between individuals or groups of individuals on the basis of some ascribed or perceived trait,”(Kohler-Hausmann). I believe there is a better way of defining the term discrimination. Discrimination is when a group or individual believes they are in a dominant position and treats someone who has differences worse than one who is similar to them. Discrimination is often shown when people who feel dominant sense a fear of danger to their position and their well-being from someone slightly different. …show more content…

They view it as a threat and tend to make that person/fear unwelcome in their lives. After analyzing and evaluating the 1931 James Whale film, Frankenstein, the word Discrimination often comes to mind when I review the actions of the people in the community throughout the film. A major theme of the film is how the locals discriminate against the monster, and this serves as a strong metaphor for the destructive effects of discrimination within their society. Since it highlights the intricate and complex nature of this issue and allows us to comprehend the different factors that lead to it, it is crucial to recognize the experiences of the monster as discrimination. In this essay, I will be examining and discussing the actions faced by Frankenstein’s monster throughout the movie as a result of the immoral actions of the people and society around him. I will be focusing on specific instances of mistreatment and the effect society and people around him had on his actions and development, and how all of these contribute to the overall concept that the monster was discriminated …show more content…

The actions of the people towards the monster help highlight the importance of the root cause of their hatred and fear of him and how this can all ultimately be connected to the mistreatment and discrimination of the monster throughout the film. The physical and psychological differences between the monster and the people show us readers that the mistreatment of the monster was more than just a fear for their lives, it was a fear of something different. Their reaction to this new creation shows a strong contrast to the destructive impacts of discrimination within society. After analyzing and interpreting the mistreatment of the monster, it is important to recognize the monster's experiences as a form of discrimination. This all happened to him because of the insecurities and fears of the townsfolk and how they were scared to help and develop a new being. They dropped their morals and went as far as killing a being for their mental relief of getting rid of a possible threat. No one dared to speak out and recognize that what they were doing was truly wrong and unjust, rather for their benefit, they got rid of his life and continued with their lives. They perfectly demonstrated the act of discriminating against someone. As I defined in the first paragraph, discrimination is something that occurs when