In his essay titled Gay “Marriage”: Societal Suicide, Charles Colson discusses fervently his opposition of same-sex marriage. The essay’s main point is constructed around Colson’s belief that if same-sex marriage were to be legalized, it would decouple marriage and procreation and thus destroy the “traditional building block of human society.” He states that same-sex marriage would lead to “an explosive increase in family collapse, out-of-wedlock births - and crime.” Colson presents us with a diverse set of evidence including statistics, studies, and his firsthand experience as a prison minister.
“Once known, the fact that a person is a homosexual or a member of a racial minority group is regarded by members of the majority group (heterosexuals, Whites) as one of the most important pieces of information about her or him (Hereck).” The law of marriage only to opposite couples had affected a large portion of people that had different sexualities. This law encouraged people to go out and fight for their rights by starting petitions and protests as well. In this case, I believe that it was also seen as an unjust law, where it was only fair to part of the
Equality and same-sex marriage is similar to that of The Crucible. The thought of a same-sex marriage happening within the holy walls of God, is a sin, in the eyes of the church. Many churches have banned the ceremony of gay/lesbian marriages. The churches that disallow same-sex marriages are Baptists, Methodist, Catholic and Presbyterian churches. This selective behaviour from those particular churches, have caused hysteria from supporters of equality, especially the LGBTQ+ community.
When debating the legalization of same sex marriage, religious reasoning and accusations of bigotry often provoke obstinance. Instead of reiterating those arguments, William J. Bennett, a prominent cultural conservative, former secretary of education, and author of The Book of Virtues, focuses on societal effects in his op-ed article, “Against Gay Marriage.” Though Bennett’s piece conveys partiality, it also attempts to discuss this issue scrupulously to ensure readers will consider his argument and perhaps accept his implications. While some of Bennett’s word choices convey tolerance of the gay community, his rhetoric incites readers to accept that preserving society requires marginalizing homosexuals.
Same-sex marriages can help add more money to the wedding industry, it can help decrease cost of state benefits, it can add more revenue to the whole state, denying them the right to marry goes against the fourteenth amendment, it would be the right source of action since they face discrimination, denying someone the right to marry means that you are denying them happiness, religious leaders support it because it bring peace in the communities, they support it because they see everyone as God’s children and they support it because, in the bible, the term marriage meant just between two women and the term didn’t regard to gender. Same-sex marriages can very important essence to help boost the economy because it can help during times when a state is going through a crisis like they don’t have a lot of employment. Don’t have funds to improve communities or it can help the entire country fund into healthcare, education and---- which can improve some nay lives. Allowing a ban on same-sex marriage is a bad example towards the next generations of children. It’s teaching them that it’s ok to discriminate certain people.
Religion has been long intertwined within the roots of the nation since the conception of the United States. It began with the Puritans who fled religious persecution and settled in the New World, to the Founding Fathers who cited God in the Declaration of Independence. While the constitution legally separates church and state, God and religious symbols have always played a part in all major political events and institutions. Robert Bellah refers to this phenomenon in his work, “Civil Religion”, as civil religion, a term he borrows from Jean Jacques Rousseau. According to Bellah, civil religion is an attempt at defining the American experience through a set of religious beliefs, symbols and rituals.
The United States government is clearly founded on Christian beliefs however, it cannot be fully traced back to any one religion. In the early years after the Revolutionary war, Christianity was the only easily recognizable influence however, today almost all existing religions have had an impact on some part of this country. It would be simple minded to assume the separation of church and state has been at all upheld throughout the public issues that America has faced since it was founded. Even minor religions that have been dismantled for many years have influenced our government.
Considering the political issues today same-sex marriage controversy serves to be significant as it has not been able to reach its height at the national level. As only 36 states out of 50 legally approve of same-sex marriage (Fausset and Blinder, The NewYork Amending the Constitution for same-sex marriage serves to be a huge controversy and a difficult process due to many opinions present within the political and social circuit. Another reason many citizens do not support the idea of same-sex marriage is due to traditional social beliefs and morals. For example, many Americans oppose the idea of same-sex marriage on religious grounds.
There are many views and opinions of the state of the United States on this subject. It has long been a puzzling issue that never seems to seize. America should have religious freedom, because it is a constitutional right to Americans. Prayer in school, gay marriage, and governmental control, are among some of the main issues in this topic.
Hints of religiosity have been embedded in the entirety of United States history. From George Washington taking the oath of office with his right hand on the Bible in 1789 to Barack Obama ending his 2009 oath with “So help me god,” religious influence in American presidency has continuously been pervasive. The prevalence of religion in American government, specifically Christianity, has caused a number of efforts to change the Preamble of the United States Constitution to reflect a more Christian society. While the nation’s current Preamble mentions promising ideas of justice, tranquility, and general welfare, Stephan Newman in his article, “From John F. Kennedy’s 1960 Campaign Speech to Christian Supremacy: Religion in Modern Presidential
In most countries worldwide, gay marriage is illegal, forcing homosexuals to remain hidden out of a sense of shame and fear. Many religions, including Judaism and Islam, forbid homosexual acts and behaviour. This is worrying for society as one may not be accepted by one’s own religion, as well as being rejected by society. Furthermore, homosexuality is constantly slated over social media, providing a negative aura surrounding the subject. All these factors influence the fear and shame of an individual.
Religion. It is a topic discussed throughout all of America as well as the rest of the world on a daily basis. There have been wars over it, political elections decided because of it, and millions of participants throughout the years. It is a part of several monumental pieces of history and carries on into the present day. Religion is what our nation is fundamentally built upon, all the way back to when the pilgrims came over on the Mayflower bringing their puritan based beliefs with them.
Marriage is a contract between two people and honestly I think that the society should not be interfering this bond. Not permitting the right to marry another human is a severe violation of the human rights and freedom. James Carville “I was against gay marriage until I realized that I didn’t have one.” The statement is self-explanatory: “You don’t get to judge because you don’t have the
Marriage brings legal rights that secure a couple that if not wedded, they should not have. Then again, some contend that gay person marriage may make issue bring up a youngster and upset the normal, natural reproduction of humanity (Burns, 2005). Thesis Statement Supporting gay marriage will bring peace and equality in the society and will promote better relationships and parenting. Changing Views on Traditional Marriage
RELIGION CAUSES MORE HAARM THAN GOOD TO SOCIETY Religion according to the oxford dictionary is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power especially a personal God or gods. Every human being in one way or the other belongs to a particular religion. Since religion makes us worship one God then it should be binding all of us. Actually it is not, it rather tears people apart day in and day out .It is true that religion has influenced society positively in diverse ways, but the bad outweighs the good. Thus I think religion causes more harm than good to the society.