
Examples Of Free Will In Dante's Inferno

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Many scholars argue as to whether or not God has granted his people free will. Some believe that God’s people are predestined to either salvation and eternal life or damnation to hell. Christians believe that God gave Adam and Eve free will and power to control their desires. When Eve was deceived by the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit, she forfeited the gift that God had given them of the ability to control their desires. Mankind has since been enslaved to their sin and desires. The only way to conquer sin is through God and his son Jesus. Dante illustrates his opinion of free will in The Inferno, part one of The Divine Comedy. He too shares the belief that one has free will, but is not free from moral Slavery. Dante believes that only those who seek God and his grace have the strength to properly use their free will to overcome moral slavery and gain eternal life. In The Inferno, Dante is wandering through a dark wilderness when he crosses paths with Virgil. Dante is relieved to see another man …show more content…

Guido thought he had a free pass and lived the way he wanted to, thinking that he was already forgiven for his sins to come. He is damned to Hell because his repentance was not sincere and God is the only one who can grant forgiveness, not a church or an early being. Pope Boniface told Guido “I will absolve you.” (27. 101) and “I hold the power to bar and unbar Heaven” (27. 103). Guido fell for this deceit and failed to realize that repentance was of the heart driven by remorse and a desire to change. He denied his free will and blamed his place in eternity on Pope Boniface. Guido had a son named Buonconte who also lived a life of purposeful sin. Before his death he repents to God and is saved from eternal damnation. Both men were exercising free will in their lives by living in purposeful sin, but only Buonconte, who sought God, was able to use his free will to overcome his

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