Examples Of Gender Equality In The Workplace

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Gender equality in the Australian workplace is under fire at the moment with many people agreeing that the differential in pay and among other things are unfair on women of today. This is, in my eyes, a big problem in Australian society and a big issue with many large businesses in recruitment and employment that seems to be reflecting badly upon potential female employees.
For every dollar a male makes in a full time job, a woman doing exactly the same job will get paid eighty-two cents. Let’s put that into perspective. For every $100,000 a male makes, a woman will make $82,000. When you put it like that, it makes me feel we need change. That’s an $18,000 difference and I believe that is disgraceful. Women work the same job and work just as hard and are still discriminated against. In 2009-10, superannuation payouts were at 43% less than men. On average men received $198,000, where as a woman would benefit only $112,860. This just proves my point further. Why should men get almost double what a woman would get to try and live with after retirement? It’s unfair. If you looked at the amount of carers in the workplace in Australia, 92% of disability carers are women, 70% are carers for their parents, and 52% of carers for their partners are also women.
In 2014, the Australian Government commenced a recognition program called the WGEA (Workplace Gender Equality Agency) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation that aimed to

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