Examples Of Good Manners

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Manners expressing politeness ” Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” (Clarence Thomas) A human-being is distinguished from brutes not on account of his intelligence alone but also on account of his behavior and manners. Expressing politeness means to be humble, courteous, respectful and well-cultured social behavior. A man or women, above everything else, is esteemed and distinguished on account of his or her good manners. Being polite also means being aware of and respecting the feelings of other people. We may not always notice politeness …show more content…

Manners are an important thing to learn. Having good manners means acting in a manner that is socially acceptable and respectful. Excellent manners can help you to have better relationships with people you know, and those you will meet. Being polite to others is always a good place to start and you can begin your journey to good manners by holding doors open for others when possible. Good manners convey respect to those you interact with, and also commands respect from those you interact with. Therefore, a well-mannered man is always respected and esteemed wherever he goes and esteemed in whatever condition of life he may be. A rich man or a high-pedigreed person, bumped with all titles without good manners, is hated in an ideal society. On the contrary, a poor man, with tattered clothes, but having delightfully good manners is sure to attract everyone’s attention and respect. Moreover, good manners are important across the globe, but that doesn't mean they are the same. The rules of politeness vary greatly all over the world, from country to country everywhere. For instance, in many Asian countries’ cultures have rules about what you should and shouldn't wear. In Asian and Muslim countries, you shouldn't reveal the body, …show more content…

Always be ready to help others around you, If someone asks a question, try to respond with a smile. Do not interrupt in between the sentences when someone is speaking. Instead, wait for your turn. As a conclusion I can say that it has been rightly said that ‘manners make a man’. Good manners demand restraint in our behavior. Good manners demand us to be helpful to all who need it. We should be ready to help the poor and the needy. We should have respect for the women and kind to children. We should not have any ego or attitude problem. We should never think ourselves superior and look down upon others. We should never do anything which may hurt the sentiments of others. A man without good manners can never become a well-bred man. As good manners cost nothing but win everything, they lend charm to people and enhance the glamour and beauty of personality. A man with noble birth and high qualification without good manners cannot be agreeable to those with whom he comes in contact with. Likewise, a man having low birth and little qualification but good mannerly in his attitude and behavior wins love and respect from all. Good manners are not to be borrowed. They are to be cultivated and groomed

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