Personal Waste Management Profile

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1. Personal waste management profile.
Waste generation is the measure of waste a person can make, including recyclable materials, compostable materials, and reusable things. For the individual waste generation, estimation and evaluation the measure of recyclable material, for example, plastics, glass and paper were measured for one week [1].The liquid waste is divided into grey water and black water. Grey water is the water that I use to shower, teeth brushing, dish washing by hand, laundry and black water is the toilet water. Solid waste was divided into 3 categories, namely eating, drinking and academic related activities. Waste needs to experience proper procedures of gathering, reusing, material decay and transfer in order to limit any …show more content…

This waste management techniques have to be economically and safe to implement to the society. There are strategies possible as an engineer those are: The most imperative character in the waste management technique is the requirement for sorting, collection and transport in urban space to where the waste as to treated (waste water treatment plant) and the cleaned water wind up at public sectors and everywhere available to be purchased. This procedure is called mobilization. This is a liquid water management strategy. Recycling promotes component from waste to be re-used. For recycling to be successful is mostly dependent on the market available of raw and re-manufactured products. Economically, recycled products should be priced at a rate that covers the costs of recovering and re-manufacturing. The amount of money is dictated by recycled material’s is highly dependent on their quality. Clean, well-sorted and non- contaminated secondary material attracts a higher price than a mixed, low quality. Low quality recycled products have no market and must be disposed of at a cost. This is a solid waste management strategy for mainly plastic and paper waste …show more content…

Recycling as a waste management strategy adopted on solid waste reduction, checking qualitatively clean, well-sorted and non-contaminated can be sold for greater price for example paper, plastic and organic manure if the is a market and quantitative analysis taking eating food as an example the reduction percentage in organic waste is 97% per year. This shows excellent waste

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