Elements Of Semiotic Analysis

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1. Introduction Main topic of this seminar paper is semiotic analysis on a selected semiotic text by applying at diferent elements of semiotic analysis. 2. Selected semiotic text Selected text is advertisement for USA companc Azek Building Products, in this case decking materials. It was launched in 2012. 3. Analysis At first sight we saw artist’s palette, in fatc, that is in USA very popular deck. In the background is perfect trimed grass. In the center of the palette, ther are two persons. We may assum, father and son, an teh preperang a meal on grill. Maybe Father teaching his son how to do it. Thera are also five pots with flower in warm colors. Bellow is anchorage - made in handwritten font, and it says - “Create an Enduring Masterpiece”. …show more content…

In print advertisment, focus is on central position, so in this advertiment, palette is in central part. If it is located in another part of advertisment, it might take us longer to catch it. Especially if it switch place with the logo of the company that is in the bottom of advertisment, and we see it with peripheral vision. If logo is in central position, it wouldn't be atractiv as it's now. Paradigmatic oder of advertismen would be different if we insted of pallet use canvas. Because pallet is place where color and and pigment are shaped for applaying it to final product – canvass. Like that – deck is place where family is shaped. Paradigmatic axis chan be demolished in another level by commutation test. Ther are two person – they seem like father and son. Why? Because in traditional culture grill is father job, and he transfers knoweled to a son. If insted there are two women, mother and daughter, is questionable would meaning be the …show more content…

Womena are emotional and sensible – they feel every scratch, they mold to keep peace. • Denotation and conotation Using Fiske definition – „denotation is what is photographed, connotation is how it is photographed“ (Chandler, 2007, 138). In this advertisment denotation is: on gren timed garass ther is artist’s palette in witch are two persons (one smller) preperang meal (meat and vegetables) on grill. Infront of grill, alson on the palett ther are five pots (diferent sizes) with flower in warm colors. Bellow, on same green grass like bacgroun ther is message and logo of company. If we look on connotation meaning, we notice bird's eye view. We have Big brother view of situation, we saw everything but we cannot participate. Bacground is dark, in it's not so important, baut deck is in ligter color. Only bright thones on this advertisment are T-shirt of two person, and flowers. If we analsys text bellow, part of it is made in handwritten font so it's more persona. It says - “Create an Enduring Masterpiece”. Fact about Azek deck are written in a simple

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