Being Social Responsible

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Being socially responsible is more than just holding the door open for a stranger. I believe that being socially responsible in American society goes beyond the normal good gestures people perform on a daily basis. Social responsibility comes with things that one should really have to think about and commit to. There is a big difference between being socially responsible and making a good gesture. One way to be socially responsible is getting involved in ones community. Getting involved could mean picking up trash at a nearby park, or even donating clothes to a local shelter. Once every year my parents and I go through our clothes and pick out the ones that don’t fit anymore, and those are the ones to donate. Social responsibility in ones community …show more content…

Social media over the years has expand so much that it now affects today’s American society for the good and bad. For example, businesses use social media now to promote their merchandise and to gain followers and recognition. According to the article, Responsible Use of Social Media,” Lead by example. Only post messages in statuses that will make a positive impact on your followers and friends. Become a positive warrior on your own feed.” This means that social responsibility on social media nowadays is a big part of society because so many people have. Many people use social media in a negative way and that is not using social responsibility. Your job would be to try to eliminate that kind of behavior on social media and only post positive and uplifting comments. In the article,.Responsible Use of Social Media, it states that one way to avoid the negativity online is to ,’’Respectfully comment, then report anything inappropriate. Inappropriate content that is harmful to yourself or others should be reported. Remember to fight the negative with the positive.” This infers that fighting negative negative does not lead to a positive …show more content…

People don’t realize, but they are highly influenced and can influence others very easy at this age and really need to make sure that they are being responsible at school and not making bad decisions. Being socially responsible at school means being on time to class, turning in your work, in getting involved in the classroom. On the article, Equation of Success, it states,” Communicate your struggles with your teachers. Be in class. Don’t jeopardize your own training.” Teachers are very intelligent and know how to handle situations that may be affecting your learning. At some schools, there is such thing as leadership class. This class is made to improve teens leadership skills by bringing the school positivity and fun. One assignment they had to do was to go around school and put positivity note cards at random places. On these not cards were inspirational quotes or compliments meant to brighten ones

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