Essay On Life Values

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In life we have many things that we live for and some values that we firmly stand by. The top five values I live by include: 1) Family, 2) Love, 3) self-expression, 4) Friendship and 5) Helping others. These values have shaped me into person I am today, and this plays a vital role in my life personally and professionally. Dictionary defines family as a group of people of common ancestry but to me it’s the beginning and the end of my world. Family is one of the very important part of my life that has the greatest influence on the way I am today. From the day when I was too young to know good from bad my family members were there to make those decisions for me and as I got older to understand that, they are there to support me. When life throws unexpected hardships, pressure, failures and sometimes when it’s just not your day I feel some satisfaction knowing that I have family to go home to; which, always helps me feel better. They are the ones who showed me that dreaming big is okay and with hard work it's always possible. With all the …show more content…

I truly feel that if you aren’t making someone’s life better you are doing something wrong. It’s important to take little time out of our busy schedule and do some volunteering work occasionally to give back to the community and the people. I have been volunteering at valley medical hospital for past two years and it gives me the satisfaction of being helpful and doing work to make someone’s life easier. No matter what you become and what you accomplish if you have never given or did something to make a difference I truly wouldn't call that a success like once said by Danny Thomas “Success has nothing to do with what you gained in life or what you accomplish for yourself, it’s what you do for others”. I think it creates a meaning and gives a purpose to

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