Cause Of Violence In Sports

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Chapter 3

Nowadays the introduction of the media and the continous excessive enthusiasm of fans has brought more records of violence outside and inside stadiums.

This chapter will include examples of incidents during sport events and it will show that the violence occured is not only influenced by athletes but also by coaches and spectators.

Below some examples of violence occured during sport matches with its main motivations behind the actions:

In the 21 November 1992 during a rugby match in England where Wales was playing against Australia a fullback received the ball and was hit by a superb tackle made by an opponent.
After the violent tackle the full-back went down and left the pitch with broken ribs, even though it was a violent tackle …show more content…

Unsanctioned aggression and violence

On the other hand unsanctioned aggression are the violent actions that are found in the form of fault or dirty play.
According to Brincks: ‘because the game is so rentless by its very nature, the borders between the permissible and the inadmissible are not always very clearcut.
Both are inherently violent but surely the distinction between hard play and foul play lies in the resort of the latter to violence of an underhand,malicious,tracherous kind’. (Brincks 1995)
He eventually continued: ‘it is a condition of foul play that is not supposed to come to light, to be exposed, because it is not directed to the unfolding of the game but to the private goals of rage or revenge, to get at a specif opponent,to prove oneself. It foregrounds the individual not the team’. (Brincks 1995)
Brincks identified two different aspects of violent actions wich are the permissible and inadmissible.

Permissible and hard play refers to actions of violence where the violence is respected within the laws or rules of the

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