My mother and other parents and coaches know that it's good for them to have fun playing the game they love, but they also know that it's good for them to compete and try their best to get what they want. The coaches and parents know what the real world is like, there's all kinds of competition in it. These sports can help these kids prepare for their soon to be future.
Summary “Children Need to Play, Not Compete,” by Jessica Statsky is a thoughtful insight on the competitive sports for children. She is of the view that the competitive sports can ruin the enjoyment that games are supposed to provide. These methods of playing the games like adults can prove to be lethal for physical and psychological health. The author quotes from an authentic source that “Kids under the age of fourteen are not by nature physical.” (Tutko)
Lowry high school athletics have changed my life in many ways. It has taught me discipline, respect and how to handle my success and failures. High school athletics to me have been more than just time to miss school or just a thing to do to mess around with my friends. Athletics have already enhanced my career tremendously already. The first thing high school athletics has taught me is disciple.
Health and contact sports are something parents worry about as over 500 deaths in the past 3 years from contact sports alone are making parents stand out against these sports and if the government doesn 't do anything about it the number of 7% overall contact sports drop will just keep getting lower and lower each time. Dr. William Speight also had this to say “Many other kids have suffered paralyzing spinal injuries”(Pennington). Kids being paralyzed is the fear for many athletes these days and the number f kids getting paralyzed has increases 2% which is equivalent to about 8,000 kids each year which is crazy to think about kids can 't play sports for the rest of thrie and maybe not be able to live their life because of it so next you hear mom or dad i wanna play sports your answer should be a simple NO. Kids under 10 need to stop playing contact sports because 45% of kids under 10 getting hurt are from contact sports and 5% of the time its ending that kids chances to play sports in the feature, Not to mention contact sports can also make kids go to their fullest and being burned out and although contact provide some kids will useful tools in life most of the time there is more negative than positive. Health, Age, Contact, parents, are some of the many reasons contact sports can be very dangerous for the youth.
For most of my childhood, the sport of baseball was the one activity I loved above anything else. Nothing could compare to the exhilarating freedom and satisfaction of bolting full speed around the bases, determined to steal 2nd, beating the "Throwdown" by a fraction of a second. The massive dust cloud kicked up by my cleats and the thunderous boom of the umpire shouting, "Safe!" made me feel empowered. It was in moments like those, when I was in control of my own fate, choosing whether to stay or to run, whether to play it safe or to risk failure, that I learned one of the most important lessons of my life.
Have you ever wanted to live an active and healthy life, as well as an improvement in grades? I believe youth sports will help all of those problems and many more. Most sports are team sports that also teach your child teamwork. Playing youth sports is a terrific experience for you or your child. There are many reasons why I feel that children should play youth sports.
“I learned about life with a ball at my feet.” What do you first think about when you hear the word soccer? Do you think about the coolest goal ever made? Or maybe the best jukes you’ve ever seen? Well there’s more to soccer than scoring goals and juking people.
This made me consider whether many of my traits or qualities would be the same if I had not been involved in sport? Many questions came to mind such as, do parents force their children into sport at too young of an age and does forcing children into sport at a young age impact on their physical development? I decided to refine my initial question to the one stated above. I hope that from this research I will be able to uncover evidence on whether playing sport at a young age actually benefits the
You can learn many different life lessons with playing sports and doing certain activities. Through playing sports people learn how to be responsible, determined,trustworthy, and many more. Many sports can teach you life lessons; for example basketball teaches you how to be responsible and dependable. Responsibility is an important quality that teaches you how to complete tasks. Responsibility means to have the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without someone checking over you.
Throughout my life I have participated in many extracurricular activities, most of which are sports. I started playing volleyball in the eighth grade and since then it has become important to me and a big priority in my life. Volleyball has become a big part of me and has impacted my life tremendously. Volleyball has impacted me most through all the friendships I have made. I have met some of my closest friends, who are always encouraging me to do my best and work my hardest.
As a little boy I had big dreams of playing football. When I was walking in the halls of the intermediate and middle school and saw the high school football players with their jerseys on, they were like super stars. I looked up to them because I wanted to be like them. The high school football players were popular, they were happy, and they were important to the school. Going to the football games on Friday nights was the highlight of my week.
“In the U.S., about 30 million children and teens participate in some form of organized sports, and more than 3.5 million injuries each year” claims Stanford Children’s Health. It’s definitely true that competitive sports can cause all sorts of injuries from big to small. The media teaches people simply that sports leads to horrific injuries and can cause stress, but what the mainstream media hardly discusses are the great benefits of competitive sports. While there may be some negatives to competitive sports, that’s just life, and to add on to that; there are plenty of benefits which are sure to override to media’s facts. Kids should play competitive sports because competitive sports teach children powerful life lessons, contributes to their social and mental stability, and because of the physical gain competitive sports provides.
Children who participate in competitive sports at a young age experience more serious negative impacts than positives, including a risk of severe injury, losing
In life, people will experience different things that will have an influence on who they are as well as who they will become. These experiences are in direct correlation to future success. Some believe that most of these experiences are outside of one 's own control, such as where he was born, where he goes to school or even a financial situation. While this makes sense, there is one thing that is within one 's control that will greatly increase the likelihood of one 's achievements. Playing sports in high school has a positive impact on future success.
In recent years studies have found that some kids have been steering away from sports. Numbers in kids playing sports has gone down nearly 4 percent from 2009, according to a widely cited survey by the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. Total sports played have plummeted by nearly 10 percent. People were curious why this was happening, so studies were conducted to find out. The researchers found out that there have been added pressures by three main sources, parents, coaches, and self pressure.