The legal age of driving should be raised. To start off, there are teen that can’t mentally and physically drive. Distracting objects such as cell phones, friends in the same vehicle, radio, and anything they can think of are all deadly when driving a 4,000 pound vehicle. Teens are most likely going to be involved in drugs and alcohol. All in all, the legal driving age should be raised for numerous reasons.
Even though teens and young adults consume alcohol does not mean that it is a right thing to do, it can be dangerous and harmful to your body. To clarify, alcohol drinking can interfere with the development of the young adult brain. With that being said it can interfere with controlling anger, fear, and your happiness. The more permanent effects can be memory loss and weakness in your muscles and bones. In fact, lowering the drinking age would let more use of illegal drugs.
The drinking age should not be changed to 18 due to a lack of maturity, the statistics and consequences of underage drinking while driving, and the effect alcohol has on the adolescent body. Being 18 means that you are only about halfway through being fully developed.(2) Tony Cox, host from NPR News, says, “That critical parts of the brain involved in decision-making are not fully developed until years later at age 25 or so. ”(3) Based on this information, teenagers decision making skills would lean toward seeing the positive side of drinking instead of the negative consequences. The drinking age should be 25, because at this age, people won’t fall under influence from their peers like it occurs with teens.(2)
Proving that age has nothing to do with drinking and that it should be lower to age eighteen because people regardless of age will be mature and responsible and some that are not. Instead, the government should make a law requiring all car companies to install an alcohol breath detector. If the breath detector smell alcohol that person whether young adult or not can’t drive the car. College students want the drinking age to be lower to age 18 or at least 19.
The minimum legal drinking age should not be lowered from the age of 21 to the age of 18. Your brain is not fully developed until about the age of 21. Another thing on why it should stay the same is people are a little more mature in their early twenties then when they were in their teens. Lowering MLDA 21 to 18 will responsibly allow a greater segment of the population to drink alcohol in bars and night clubs which are not safe environments. Almost eighty percent of bars sell alcohol to obviously intoxicated patrons; more than half of the drivers arrested for drinking while driving are while intoxicated and get a DWI.
I think the driving age should stay at the age of 16 because as you get older you have more experience driving. Every thing goes best when you start young because of all the practice you've had over the years. starting at 16 can can lead some teens to good cares like: NAS car, or driving for movies. I think the age of 16 is a good place to start, because its like they say know more about the job before the interview, so that way you have a better chance of getting the job. Safety still is a problem because 16 year olds are reckless as well so its a bigger chance that more people could be in danger young teens that are behind the wheel going fast and doing what ever else they do when there alone trying to be cool for who ever.
“There are also arguments that young people shouldn 't be in a rush to drink--waiting three more years isn 't much of an inconvenience-and of course, the safety factor” (“Lowering Drinking Age Limit to 18”). Many who are against the whole idea of changing the drinking age to eighteen often have the arguments such as the safety of their loved ones and others. A statistic says that 25,000 lives have been saved because of the drinking age being twenty-one and it continues to prevent tragedies while car crashes are being decreased by 16%. (“Lowering Drinking Age Limit to 18”) Many car crashes are due to drunk driving, and having young adults at the age of eighteen allowed to buy and drink alcohol can lead to new drivers making wrong decisions on the road.
People believe the drinking age should stay at 21 because an 18 year old has less tolerance as compared to a 21 year old. It may be true, but you don’t really know how much you can handle as long as you try it out. Tolerance doesn’t come with age, tolerance come with realization of responsibility and there are people that are more responsible at 15 than some are at 25. In conclusion the drinking age has its pros and cons, but the drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18 for many reasons.
For over 30 years the age has remained the same at 21 and has worked just fine. People 's lives would become more dangerous than it already is if the age was lowered. Not only that, everyone, including the state, would be hurt by lowering the drinking age. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.
This law changed to 21 because all states would “lose a certain percentage of federal highway dollars” (“Frequently Asked”). Not only that but the rates of excessive drinking went up, along with drunk driving. Driving alone is hard enough, especially if the person is a new driver, but add alcohol and there is a very deadly mix. Being able to legally drink at the age of “21 decreased the number of fatal traffic accidents for 18- to 20-year-olds by 13% and saved approximately 27,052 lives from 1975-2008” (“Should the Drinking Age”). Since there have been less drunk driving accidents when the minimum age for drinking changed to 21, it is a safer environment if the drinking age is left at 21 instead of being
Driving at Sixteen Driving at 16 is a right of passage steeped in tradition. For decades, teens have received their driver 's licenses at 16. While some might say this is too young and seek to raise the minimum age to 18, generations of teens have successfully managed the responsibilities of driving. The minimum driving age of 16 should not be raised because it would increase transportation problems, keep teens from fulfilling responsibilities, and prevent oversight of new drivers.
Should the Driving Age Be Raised to 18? I take the position that the driving age should not be raised to 18. Many people believe that 16 year olds are too young to drive. However, many 16 to 17 year olds and their families disagree. Teens enjoy their freedom, and not all teens are stereotypically “wild” or “out of hand” on the road.
If you raise the driving age limit, many of these teens would lose there jobs by being unable to arrive to work. When teens have careers they gain responsibility and money. Why would we want to rob them of these opportunities? These teenagers are contributing to society just as much as any adult currently is. If we raise the driving age, we would loose thousands of hard working young men and women.
Many people believe that age doesn’t matter, it’s only the experience that does. Others say age plays a big role due to the fact that the younger the people are, the less mature they act. There are so many reasons to why the driving age should be raised. Thousands of people wonder what could be done to prevent all these tragic fatalities and between all those debates raising the legal age for driving has been the most controversial. Car accidents are reported every day.
Most teenagers think that being able to control the car while speeding means that they drive well. Increasing the driving age will significantly condense car accidents. While some people say teenagers can develop independence, the driving age should be raised to 21 because the level of obesity is high, teenagers are immature, and car accidents are increasing rapidly. Firstly, teenagers are the ones who are most likely to act in such reckless and